
Showing posts from March, 2019

Supplying Light for Bearded Dragon Cages

Providing sufficient light for bearded dragon enclosures is critical in regards to sustaining optimal health within your pet. Most owners provide some sort of light to their lizard, but a lot of them are just trying to "get the cage hot." Many don't know what the correct temperatures should be, the best way to check them, or their scr888 importance. It's also very common to find owners who don't have a source of UV light for their dragon, which will eventually lead to severe health issues. Fact is, the Pogona vitticeps needs a full spectrum UV bulb, basking light and the correct heat gradient throughout their habitat to keep them healthy and happy. UV light produces the vitamin D3 within the beardie's body. It is D3 that enables calcium to be absorbed into their bones to keep them strong. If a lizard is deprived of vitamin D3, then he is not absorbing calcium. If no calcium is being absorbed, eventually metabolic bone disease will set in. To prevent thi...